Final Files

You have already received information about preparing the videos and submitting them. Also, we would have 4 weeks’ free online access via conference website after the proceedings. Please circulate it in your network and download your papers.


It is important to note that to include your paper in the program as well as in the proceedings, at least one author of your paper must pay the registration fee and submit a video presentation of your paper. If your paper is accepted, details about the video format will be sent to you.

Registration fee:

For authors of the presenting papers: USD 100 for general authors and USD 70 for students. Conference attendance is free of cost.


ABN: 49828238167

Payment Options:

1. Pay by Chinese yuan via Alipay

Alipay account: [email protected]

2. Via PayPal

PayPal account: [email protected]

3. Via bank transfer to Australia

Account name: Y Tu

BSB: 083 153

Account: 41 579 5116

International transfer SWIFT code: NATAAU3303M

It is advisable to contact Dr Y Tu ([email protected]) to resolve the payment issues for your paper (if any).